UPDATE Correcting SOA Payroll Deduction ASAP

UPDATE: as of November 30th, 2020 Zenith is coordinating with State of Alaska payroll for the next payroll file to reverse the deductions that were taken from last Wednesday’s checks. Our understanding is employees will see the credit on the December 11 checks. We will alert our Members if we become aware of any unexpected issues as we continue to represent you.

Local 71 Members employed with the State of Alaska:Your Union is working to rectify a recent discrepancy in your paycheck, in which the full health premium was deducted rather than half the amount.Our Anchorage Health Trust contacted our Administrator at Zenith American Solutions & this is what we found out:A file was created by Zenith with the help of the State of Alaska. This file was supposed to be an adjustment, but due to a miscommunication, additional data was included affecting more members. Our representatives at Zenith had already emailed their contact at SOA. They are waiting to see if the State will do a special payroll and refund the excess, or simply make up the difference with a zero contribution for the next payroll.Let us know immediately if you encounter other problems on the job. The earlier we know, the faster we can take action.You keep working hard for Alaska, and we’ll keep working hard for you!In solidarity,Business Manager, Jordan Adams;& Local 71 Health Trust Senior Members Advocate, Mai Moua