Local 71 Supports Anchorage Assembly AR 2019-417 Collective Bargaining Updates


Anchorage Assembly

632 W. 6th Avenue, Suite 250,

Anchorage, AK 99501


December 3, 2019

On behalf of the working people of the Anchorage Municipality in good standing with Public Employees Local 71, I am providing this support for these proposed revisions to the Assembly Bargaining Guidelines.

These revisions are well within your purview and clearly in the best interest of the administration, the workers, and the tax paying citizens of Anchorage.

I commend your foresight to revise these nearly-decade old provisions to address Anchorage’s changing economic environment; and to provide budgetary stability and avoid unnecessary time and expense to the negotiations process. Longer term contracts provide stability for budgets and expectations. The factors outlined for consideration are comprehensive and equitable. And, the provision included for mutual undertaking of renegotiation to address unforeseen variables ensures the ability to tackle emerging issues as needed.

We share your concerns for unnecessary employee turnover and its costs to the Municipality. Elimination of work rules resulting in valueless costly processes and procedures will benefit everyone. And we all want to reduce health care costs.

The provisions contained within this proposal benefit all parties concerned and place a clear focus on necessary functions of municipal services.

Thank you for your dedication and service to the people of Anchorage to address these updates.   On behalf of our members and full Executive Board, I urge your swift and unanimous support of AR 2019-417.



Jordan Adams

Local 71 Business Manager Secretary / Treasurer