Vernie Reed Scholarship Information for 2021


Dear Brothers and Sisters, 
The W. Vernie Reed Scholarship Committee met on October 7, 2020. Thanks to your continued hard work and generosity, the committee increased the dollar amounts for the At-large scholarships and increased the overall number of scholarships to be awarded. In 2020 we awarded scholarships totaling $101,000; next year, we will have the ability to award up to $120,000. 
We are proud to announce the following 2021 scholarships available to be awarded to our members and their families. 
Scholarships to be awarded:
     • One $6,000 scholarship, (Pamela Reed winner) 
     •  Twenty three (23) $3,000 scholarships, (Local Union winners)
     • Up to eighteen (18) $2,500 scholarships, (at-large winners)


Just like last year, if no application or qualified applicant is received from a Local Union, that Local Union's $3,000 scholarship will be available to another Local Union.  I will be sending out additional information in December and January to ensure the Local Unions have every opportunity to notify the membership of the scholarship award information. 
On behalf of the W. Vernie Reed Scholarship Committee, we would like to thank each Local Union, District Council, Affiliated Funds, individual members, contractors, and consultants that donated to the fund this year. Together, we are building a better future for our members and their families.